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Supplier of Solution to Biomass Utilization

Green and Environmental
Protection, Resource Regeneration, Biomass "Zero Carbon" Energy Industry Upgrading

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About Us

Green Energy Leader and Innovation Driver

Founded in 2007, Nowva Energy is a national enterprise crowned with specialized and innovative "Little Giant". It's also a national high-tech enterprise and Beijing intellectual property demonstration unit. The company has been focusing on clean and efficient biomass energy utilization and committing to becoming a global leader in this field. The major product, Horizontal Circulating Fluidized Bed boiler (HCFBB), its related technology has been granted nearly 100 patents totally, 37 out of which are invention patents. This technology tops worldwide and fills the gap in this field. It obtained lots of national and provincial awards. For decades, the company has provided boilers and services for large state-owned enterprises such as China Tobacco Group, Sinopsin Group, CoFCO Group, etc. Currently, there are more than 100 project achievements and the products sell well worldwide.

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Xinghua Nowva Energy Co., Ltd


Horizontal Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

Four "Ultra" Characteristics: Ultra-wide fuel applicability, ultra-high combustion thermal efficiency, ultra-long operation period and less maintenance, ultra-low environmental operation investment.

Innovation Technology: ≤35t/h of capacity. It solves the worldwide problem that fluidized bed boilers are difficult to miniaturize and fills the gaps in this field.

Horizontal Structure: The single-stage furnace of the conventional vertical circulating fluidized bed boiler is extended to the three staged furnaces, and a unique horizontal structure of "three beds and two returns" is formed.

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Supplier of Solution to Biomass Utilizaiton that You Can Trust

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